On 20 Feb 2005 14:08:01 -0800, "Ken" >
>This Panasonic microwave is so powerul that the only thing I use
>full-power on is boiling water/making tea. For anything else, I drop
>the power down to seven or eight to put it down to the old fashioned
>1,000 watt power rating. If Top Spin is still reading, this may
>account for his burned popcorn. (I make my popcorn with olive oil on
>the cooktop so no advice there.)
Still here. I just made another batch of popcorn. This time on 80%
power. I set it for 6 minutes and stood by the oven. The popping
slowed at about 2 minutes so I stopped it. The corn was badly burned
in one area.
I'll try later on 50% power or lower.
Hitachi HB-A101 bread machine, 1 pound
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