Vegetarian Planet, and Entertaining at Veggie Planet, both by Didi
The Voluptuous Vegan, by Myra Kornfeld
A Year in a Vegetarian Kitchen, by Jack Bishop (of the Cooks
Illustrated TV show)
These are sophisticated books with strong flavors...none of the mushy
vegetarian standards. All good for non-vegetarians. You can adapt most
of the recipes to include a little meat or fish, but actually you will
find that it isn't necessary. Look up the reviews on Amazon.
I like Anna Thomas too (suggested by previous poster) and I have all
three of her books, although I find the books above a little more
adventurous. I have all the Moosewood books although I don't use them
Frankly, I am happy to cook fish and would be happy to cook any game
that came my way, but I have lost interest in cooking supermarket meat
and chicken. My husband calls us flexegarians. We'll eat anything that
is served us at a dinner party but what we cook ourselves is another