"FERRANTE" > wrote in message
>I am doing something wrong? I go to the store, spent $80, and two days
> later, I am looking for something to make a meal, and it is not there.
> I am obviously doing something wrong. I have never went to the store
> with a weekly meal plan.
> What methods do you use when shopping for the week? I thought about
> getting a couple boxes of cereal and milk, bread, butter, and
> breakfast is taken care of. Then lunch and dinner. Sounds simple. Is
> it?
> Mark
> Bachelor cook
We shop for a month. We buy what looks good at the time, supplemented by
trips to the store for fresh fruits and veggies, bread, etc. . We have two
refrigerators and a freezer and a pantry of dried and canned goods. If you
keep enough stuff on hand, you can usually find enough ingredients to make a
Certain things we always have. Pasta, rice, potatoes. The freezer usually
has peas, corn, mixed veggies, green beans. Pantry will also have broth,
canned tomatoes, tomato paste, Spam, few cans of soup, tuna fish.
We don't often plan ahead except for a particular dinner. If we know we want
stew, or veal piccata, leg of lamb, etc. we make sure those particular
ingredients and accompaniments are on hand. Otherwise, it is just pick and
choose. Planning for vacation makes sense, but I'll be damned if I'm going
to commit to what I'm going to have for dinner or March 12 when I go
shopping this week.