FERRANTE > wrote:
>I am doing something wrong? I go to the store, spent $80, and two days
>later, I am looking for something to make a meal, and it is not there.
>I am obviously doing something wrong. I have never went to the store
>with a weekly meal plan.
>What methods do you use when shopping for the week? I thought about
>getting a couple boxes of cereal and milk, bread, butter, and
>breakfast is taken care of. Then lunch and dinner. Sounds simple. Is
>Bachelor cook
It sounds like you decide that you want to eat a particular
"something" instead of looking at what is there and deciding what can
be made from it. Have you actually eaten all the $80 of food you
bought? If not, start figuring out what you need to make a meal from
the remainders.
I guess we all have certain things that we eat as a meal. If I buy
steaks, I try make sure that I have potatoes, sour cream, chives,
salad makings, etc to go with it. Keep dried, frozen and canned
ingredients on hand.
Susan N.
"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral, 48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)