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Cindy Fuller
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In article >,
FERRANTE > wrote:

> I am doing something wrong? I go to the store, spent $80, and two days
> later, I am looking for something to make a meal, and it is not there.
> I am obviously doing something wrong. I have never went to the store
> with a weekly meal plan.
> What methods do you use when shopping for the week? I thought about
> getting a couple boxes of cereal and milk, bread, butter, and
> breakfast is taken care of. Then lunch and dinner. Sounds simple. Is
> it?

When I was unattached, I'd do my shopping once a week. This has slipped
a bit since the SO came along, but we're moving in that direction. We
usually head to our favorite grocery store (Central Market in Shoreline,
WA, for those of you who need to know this info) on the weekend and
stock up on meats, cereal, paper products, household cleaners, juice,
and produce for most of the week. There is some casual planning of what
we want to have before we head off to the store. We usually need one or
two other trips during the week to get more milk or juice, or perhaps a
protein source for a main dish.

We also make one meat purchase last more than one meal. For example, we
got a package of two strip steaks on Saturday. SO grilled them both up
last night. We ate one of them then, and the other will become part of
a Thai beef salad tonight. You can do the same thing with chicken or
pork. I will often make a pot of chili or soup on the weekend and we'll
have that for lunches or a second dinner later.


C.J. Fuller

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