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In article >,
OmManiPadmeOmelet says...
> If you were that full of sh*t, maybe you needed a good purgative......
> ;-) Go drink a bottle of Magnesium citrate. That ought to finish
> flushing the sh*t out within a day.
> It sounds more to me like whoever made your sub didn't wash their hands.
> Did they wear gloves?

Complain to your local health inspectors, not us. A pattern of
complaints from other sufferers will quickly identify the source (sic).

Subway sells this sub flavour widely. I recently had one here in
Australia and suffered no ill effects. I dare say that millions of other
customers can report the same of the chipotle sub.

It's not the variety of sub, obviously, otherwise it wouldn't still be
on the market. Maybe it's one particular restaurant, or employee, but
unlikely they could go for any time without being identified.

Let us know how it comes out.

Oh. You did.