Dog3 wrote:
> " BOB" > wrote in
> :
> > Dog3 wrote:
> >> Gawd, I did a pulled pork butt today. I brined it and
> >> smoked it. It is delicious. Never done one before. It is
> >> so damned good. Now, if I could just get BBQ sauce right.
Usually, brining isn't really necessary for pork butts.
What's up with this weather, anyway?
> >> Michael
> >
> > Good barbecue don't need no sauce. Sauce is for covering up the
> > mistakes. ;-)
> Thanks. I don't care for sauce anyway. The S.O. insists on it. At
least I
> know I'm not insane 
> >
> > What type of sauce do you want? Vinegar based? Ketchup based?
> > Sweet? Hot? Mustard based? The types are endless.
> Ohhhh... Mustard and hot might just strike my fancy. Hell, I live in
> Missouri and I think all we get here is ketchup based. A couple of
> joints serve up a good sauce but I have it put on the side.
Maull it!!!!
Seriously, a thin, spicy sauce can be good for pulled pork. Here's one
from the legendary BBQ book Smoke& Spice:
Carolina Red
1-1/2 cups cider vinegar
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 teaspoon cayenne or hot red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt.
Combine all and stir to dissolve sugar.
My last butt that I did a couple weeks ago (what IS with this weather?)
I did sort of like I saw some old-timey whole-hog Qers do, sprinkled
the pulled pork with some cider vinegar and a mixture of ground red
pepper, paprika, black pepper and salt. Mix it all together and mellow
for a while.
> Now my next question. Has anyone made a stir fry from smoked pork
butt? I'm
> having a luncheon next week for a charity I support. I'd like to do a
> type of stir fry. The pork is cooked. I'd like to use it in an Asian
> dish. A stir fry is my first choice. I can use my wok and still enjoy
> guests. The luncheon is no big deal. We are just planning for a big
> so it does not have to be perfect. I have never used smoked anything
> Asian cooking. I've always used fresh. TIA!
I haven't done that, but it makes great tacos.
This weekend (what is WITH this weather) I did a bone-in pork sirloin
roast on the Weber. Excellent.