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Default "American" TV media cover up CIA_Israeli torture

The "liberal" media continue to expose themselves to foreigners
stationed in America as the Nazi like propagandists which they are.
While the rest of the worlds people are learning about the crimes
committed by the CIA in Iraq (as the rest of the world continue to
learn about the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by Israel while
Americans are kept in the dark), Americans who get their news from
television (90% of Americans get their news this way) are being kept
blissfully ignorant about truly awful crimes of torture which are still
leaking out.

And it only gets worse.

Seymour Hersh has been lecturing around the country at Universities
and he has said at these events that the abuses at Abu Ghraib include
the sodomizing of little boys.

Of course, as you might guess the "American" media will not report
this even though there are pictures and videos of this abuse which
all representatives of the national "American" media have seen.

All our congressmen and senators have seen this obscene, felonious
material as well, yet they continue to fund the CIA and Pentagon as
usual and do whatever they can to cover up the truth.

These are the actions of traitors; these people who are allowing this
abuse to go unspoken of while preaching to the world that this nation
stands for "democracy" "freedom" and "liberty". The reputation and
honor of this country are being thoroughly trashed.

Notice in the article below detailing the latest atrocity to come to light
(except on "American" TV) that the technique is of Israeli origin,
called "Palestinian hanging".

Americans will never hear of this on their TV, only pro-Israeli "news"
is allowed to be reported on "American" TV. This is why the ethnic
cleansing of the Palestinians continues and why over $60 billion of
American taxpayer dollars has been spent building luxurious
accommodations known as "settlements" in the West Bank, which
the American people have never seen on their "American" TV.
Everyone in Europe has seen the country club like developments
with swimming pools, but not the people who paid for them. Americans
are instead treated to the occasional sight of ramshackle trailers
which make the Israelis appear to be some kind of pioneers full of
courage rather than genocidal squatters living in luxury while traveling
to and from Israel on eight lane freeways which look like something
out of southern California.

All of it paid for by the unknowing American taxpayers.

This country has now violated every international norm, every law,
every treaty of importance. In so doing we are not weakening the
United Nations but strengthening it, and doing so as an institution
functioning as a means to oppose America. Instead of commanding
the UN, this country is now faced with the whole world rallying together
through the UN to defeat America.

Rather than wearing the white hats and wielding the light sabers of
good, we the republic of laser weapons in space and massive
doomsday weapons of mass destruction are now the evil Darth Vader
confronting the united federation of truth and justice.

How can the whole top section of American society just sit here and
be silent as this unfolds before our eyes? Everything is getting worse.
That treasonous coup plotter Porter Goss is now threatening us with
a nuclear strike, and doing so through an alleged threat made by cave

Think about it, powerful states like North Korea are *suspected* of
having nuclear weapons. A powerful state of nearly 70 million
intelligent, well educated people like Iran with the help of the Russians
are believed to be getting *close* to developing a nuclear weapon.

Porter Goss and yesterday George Will -shouting down Richard Clarke
on "This Week"- are almost ordering us to believe that a bunch of towel
heads living in caves can manufacture a nuclear weapon and detonate
it here.

Wake up!

The Spanish showed us the lie that is 9-11 a week ago when they
torched one of their sky scrapers and we saw that even when a building
like this is thoroughly torched -as none of our buildings on 9-11 were-
the building does not collapse.

Think about it, and think quick and very soon because they are planning
to nuke this country (probably Los Angeles).

There is not much time.

Say it loud: "'Al Qaeda' does not exist!"

Iraqi Died While Hung From Wrists By US
By Seth Hettena
Associated Press Writer

SAN DIEGO -- An Iraqi whose corpse was photographed with
grinning U.S. soldiers at Abu Ghraib died under CIA
interrogation while in a position condemned by human rights
groups as torture -- suspended by his wrists, with his hands
cuffed behind his back, according to reports reviewed by The
Associated Press.

The death of the prisoner, Manadel al-Jamadi, became known
last year when the Abu Ghraib prison scandal broke. The U.S.
military said back then that the death had been ruled a
homicide. But the exact circumstances under which the man
died were not disclosed at the time.

The prisoner died in a position known as "Palestinian
hanging," the documents reviewed by The AP show. It is
unclear whether that position was approved by the Bush
administration for use in CIA interrogations.

The spy agency, which faces congressional scrutiny over its
detention and interrogation of terror suspects at the
Baghdad prison and elsewhere, declined to comment for this
story, as did the Justice Department.

Al-Jamadi was one of the CIA's "ghost" detainees at Abu
Ghraib -- prisoners being held secretly by the agency.

His death in November 2003 became public with the release of
photos of Abu Ghraib guards giving a thumbs-up over his
bruised and puffy-faced corpse, which had been packed in
ice. One of those guards was Pvt. Charles Graner, who last
month received 10 years in a military prison for abusing

Al-Jamadi died in a prison shower room during about a
half-hour of questioning, before interrogators could extract
any information, according to the documents, which consist
of statements from Army prison guards to investigators with
the military and the CIA's Inspector General's office.

One Army guard, Sgt. Jeffery Frost, said the prisoner's arms
were stretched behind him in a way he had never before seen.
Frost told investigators he was surprised al-Jamadi's arms
"didn't pop out of their sockets," according to a summary of
his interview.

Frost and other guards had been summoned to reposition
al-Jamadi, who an interrogator said was not cooperating. As
the guards released the shackles and lowered al-Jamadi,
blood gushed from his mouth "as if a faucet had been turned
on," according to the interview summary.

The military pathologist who ruled the case a homicide found
several broken ribs and concluded al-Jamadi died from
pressure to the chest and difficulty breathing.

Dr. Michael Baden, a distinguished civilian pathologist who
reviewed the autopsy for a defense attorney in the case,
agreed in an interview that the position in which al-Jamadi
was suspended could have contributed to his death.

Dr. Vincent Iacopino, director of research for Physicians
for Human Rights, called the hyper-extension of the arms
behind the back "clear and simple torture." The European
Court of Human Rights found Turkey guilty of torture in 1996
in a case of Palestinian hanging -- a technique Iacopino
said is used worldwide but named for its alleged use by
Israel in the Palestinian territories.

The Washington Post reported last year that after the Abu
Ghraib scandal broke, the CIA suspended the use of its
"enhanced interrogation techniques," including stress
positions, because of fears that the agency could be accused
of unsanctioned and illegal activity. The newspaper said the
White House had approved the tactics.

Navy SEALs apprehended al-Jamadi as a suspect in the Oct.
27, 2003, bombing of Red Cross offices in Baghdad that
killed 12 people. His alleged role in the bombing is
unclear. According to court documents and testimony, the
SEALs punched, kicked and struck al-Jamadi with their rifles
before handing him over to the CIA early on Nov. 4. By 7
a.m., al-Jamadi was dead.

Navy prosecutors in San Diego have charged nine SEALs and
one sailor with abusing al-Jamadi and others. All but two
lieutenants have received nonjudicial punishment; one
lieutenant is scheduled for court-martial in March, the
other is awaiting a hearing before the Navy's top SEAL.

The statements from five of Abu Ghraib's Army guards were
shown to The AP by an attorney for one of the SEALs, who
said they offered a more balanced picture of what happened.
The lawyer asked not to be identified, saying he feared
repercussions for his client.

According to the statements:

Al-Jamadi was brought naked below the waist to the prison
with a CIA interrogator and translator. A green plastic bag
covered his head, and plastic cuffs tightly bound his
wrists. Guards dressed al-Jamadi in an orange jumpsuit,
slapped on metal handcuffs and escorted him to the shower
room, a common CIA interrogation spot.

There, the interrogator instructed guards to attach shackles
from the prisoner's handcuffs to a barred window. That would
let al-Jamadi stand without pain, but if he tried to lower
himself, his arms would be stretched above and behind him.

The documents do not make clear what happened after guards
left. After about a half-hour, the interrogator called for
the guards to reposition the prisoner, who was slouching
with his arms stretched behind him.

The interrogator told guards that al-Jamadi was "playing
possum" -- faking it -- and then watched as guards struggled
to get him on his feet. But the guards realized it was useless.

"After we found out he was dead, they were nervous," Spc.
Dennis E. Stevanus said of the CIA interrogator and
translator. "They didn't know what the hell to do."

- - - -
"Right before the 2004 election, about 10 percent of voters said their
choice would be based on the candidate's 'agendas/ideas/platforms/goals';
6 percent for Bush voters, 13 percent for Kerry voters. For the rest, the
choice would be based on what the industry calls 'qualities' and 'values'.
Does the candidate project the image of a strong leader, the kind of guy
you'd like to meet in a bar, someone who really cares about you and is just
like you? It wouldn't be surprising to learn that Bush is carefully trained to
say 'nucular' and 'misunderestimate' and the other silliness that intellectuals
like to ridicule. That's probably about as real as the ranch constructed for him
and the rest of the folksy manner. After all, it wouldn't do to present him as a
spoiled frat boy from Yale who became rich and powerful thanks to his rich
and powerful connections. Rather, the imagery has to be an ordinary guy just
like us, who'll protect us, and who shares our 'moral values,' more so than the
windsurfing goose-hunter who can be accused of faking his medals."
- Noam Chomsky, Z-Magazine, Feb 2005

- - - - -
"What opinions the masses hold, or do not hold, is looked on as a matter of
indifference. They can be granted intellectual liberty because they have no
intellect. In a Party member, on the other hand, not even the smallest deviation
of opinion on the most unimportant subject can be tolerated." - George Orwell, "1984"