ravinwulf wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 14:04:17 -0500, "Bob (this one)"
> > wrote:
>> ravinwulf wrote:
>>> On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 16:00:32 GMT, "Rick & Cyndi"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I think I read through one of the postings that had "Chung"
>>>> in the subject... it didn't appear of interest to me so I
>>>> ignored it. <shrug> I guess I missed something.
>>>> What's all the uproar about? If anyone didn't want to read
>>>> about "Chung" why didn't they just ignore the postings?
>>> Yes, we could just ignore the postings; but why should we have
>>> to do that?
>> For the same reason that you ignore advertising. And mail you
>> didn't request. And panhandlers. And traffic. And the whining of
>> people like you.
> Oh, so it's your God given right to be a rude jackass.
Exactly. Just like it is - oh so obviously - yours. It's a moment of
serious hilarity when you, in your crushingly vulgar, lightweight way,
assail me for rudeness. Your silly, off-the-mark conclusions, your
blunt-instrument reasoning, your unfortunate inability to see yourself
and your generally not-too-bright ways.
> By your own admission, you're basically just Usenet's version of a
> telemarketer. Gotcha, now I know exactly how to deal with you.
<LOL> You're too much a featherweight to really come after. By my own
admission, I say that there are things that are funny in the world.
That there are things not so desperately important that you should
get your undies all atwist. That you seem to need a blast of oxygen to
clear the brain and recognize priorities.
If all you've gotten from my posts is that by my "own admission, [I'm]
basically just Usenet's version of a telemarketer," then your stunted
capacities are sadly but clearly on neon display. If, OTOH, you think,
as you seem to, that this is an example of sharp repartee, then you
should park in the handicapped spaces.
>>> "Dr." Chung is a troll, plain and simple, who started cross
>>> posting here thanks, IIRC, to Mr. Pasterino.
>> Dear sludgewit ravinwulf: If Chung crossposted here first, how
>> could it be "thanks to Mr. Pasterino?" Very clear thinking
>> there...
> He cross posted here while chasing after you because you're too
> stupid to ignore a troll. You brought him to RFC. Nice try though.
<LOL> Chung followed me so it's my fault. With reasoning like that, I
bet you had you PhD before you were 20.
>> Chung is a great deal more and a great deal less than "a troll,
>> plain and simple." Were you able to get beyond your simplistic
>> and simpleton understandings, you might grasp that.
> No, he's not.
<snerk> Well, I guess that clears it right up. How could anyone ever
think otherwise now that ravinwulf has pronounced the truth. Sounds
more like "I know the absolute truth" Chung with each passing
sentence... Same brilliant reading comprehension, too.
>>> Mr. Pasterino
Um, that's still Pastorio. P-a-s-t-o-r-i-o.
>>> continues to x-post his flames and post new OT threads flaming
>>> this net kook, despite being asked by numerous people to stop.
>>> It makes the newsgroup harder for others to enjoy and it's
>>> completely pointless to boot.
>> It's such a desperate and lofty burden to *not* read some posts.
>> I know how hard it is...
> The more kill filters you add to your news reader,
Um, note that I didn't say anything about filters. I said *not* read
some posts. That means to, um, *not* read some posts. Just don't read
them. You know, like don't click on them to read them. Just *not* read
> the slower it processes the headers. Idiot.
I bet if you put 2,000,000 filters on your system, it would slow
things down to where they would be just a *tiny* bit too fast for you...
> But no fear, you will not bother me any more.
Oh, I suspect I will. But if putting in many filters is sooooo
burdensome, just put my name in there alone. And I'm so shattered that
you would remove my hugely informative, dazzlingly funny and
reasonably well punctuated posts. Shattered, I tell you.
> Regards, Tracy R.
Hey, Trace, regards to you, too. And the horse you rode in on.
And I mean that in the nicest possible way.
For both you and the horse.
No, seriously...