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"FERRANTE" > wrote in message
>I am doing something wrong? I go to the store, spent $80, and two days
> later, I am looking for something to make a meal, and it is not there.
> I am obviously doing something wrong. I have never went to the store
> with a weekly meal plan.
> What methods do you use when shopping for the week? I thought about
> getting a couple boxes of cereal and milk, bread, butter, and
> breakfast is taken care of. Then lunch and dinner. Sounds simple. Is
> it?
> Mark
> Bachelor cook

Building up an inventory of items you use is always an expensive

The trick is to build the inventory slowly and KNOW the prices and value of
things you use on a regular basis. The other caveat is to know how much is
reasonable to have on hand. Let me explain. When is solid pack tuna a good
value, $2.00 per can $1.50 per can or $1.00 per can. How about Mayonnaise?
$3.85 or $2.50 per quart? The fact is over a 6 week period I can usually
fine solid pack tuna at $1.00 per can and Mayo at 2 for $5.00. When that
occurs purchase a 4 to 6 week supply. The next time you want a tuna
sandwich you've got the ingredients on hand at a low price.

So spend a few minutes watching the ads, know what represents a decent value
and then purchase more than what toy need for today or this week. If you do
that religiously then you'll be able to build an inventory at a reasonable
price and then augment your shopping with the weekly sales for meat,. fruit
and vegetables.

Good Luck, remember for most people their food budget is the largest
variable they have. the rent and car payment don't fluctuate.
