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"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
>> it in portions and then I have days when I don't have to cook. I have
>> problems still with the cupboards though... I have stuff falling out
>> now

> Well, start using it up, Ophelia! If you don't you won't know what
> you've got in there and then you'll buy some when you need it and then
> you'll discover that you already had some and should have used that.
> And then you'll wind up with a bunch of stuff the age of which is
> unknown and suspicious and you'll wind up throwing it out. Tsk, tsk.
> Wasteful. HTH.

ROFL thanks Barb) I woudn't want ANY of that to happen to me so I will
just have to do better