"Kswck" > wrote in message
> <drivel snipped>
> > This country has now violated every international norm, every law,
> > every treaty of importance. In so doing we are not weakening the
> > United Nations but strengthening it, and doing so as an institution
> > functioning as a means to oppose America. Instead of commanding
> > the UN, this country is now faced with the whole world rallying together
> > through the UN to defeat America.
> Check the UN's charter, idiot.
While you're at it, check the newgroups' charters; the only
one in the original list that was remotely relevant was
talk.politics.misc, so please keep this idiocy there - I
absolutely guarantee you that those of us in rec.food.cooking
won't miss it a bit.
Bob M.
> >
> > Rather than wearing the white hats and wielding the light sabers of
> > good, we the republic of laser weapons in space and massive
> > doomsday weapons of mass destruction are now the evil Darth Vader
> > confronting the united federation of truth and justice.
> >
> Darth Vader is fiction. SDI does not exist. It is theoretical.
> > How can the whole top section of American society just sit here and
> > be silent as this unfolds before our eyes? Everything is getting worse.
> > That treasonous coup plotter Porter Goss is now threatening us with
> > a nuclear strike, and doing so through an alleged threat made by cave
> > dwellers!
> >
> > Think about it, powerful states like North Korea are *suspected* of
> > having nuclear weapons. A powerful state of nearly 70 million
> > intelligent, well educated people like Iran with the help of the
> > are believed to be getting *close* to developing a nuclear weapon.
> North Korea is a 3rd world country. The only 'well educated' people there
> are the elite.
> >
> > Porter Goss and yesterday George Will -shouting down Richard Clarke
> > on "This Week"- are almost ordering us to believe that a bunch of towel
> > heads living in caves can manufacture a nuclear weapon and detonate
> > it here.
> Naive Troll. 'Towel heads'? Really.
> >
> > Wake up!
> >
> > The Spanish showed us the lie that is 9-11 a week ago when they
> > torched one of their sky scrapers and we saw that even when a building
> > like this is thoroughly torched -as none of our buildings on 9-11 were-
> > the building does not collapse.
> Right, 9-11 was fiction, it is the CIA's fault. It is a complete fantasy
> the 'Liberal American Media'.
> Try that one on someone who was there.
> >
> > Think about it, and think quick and very soon because they are planning
> > to nuke this country (probably Los Angeles).
> Good riddance.
> >
> > There is not much time.
> Go hide in a hole till it passes over.
> >
> > Say it loud: "'Al Qaeda' does not exist!"
> The name is not relevant. The purpose of the organization is that of
> Or perhaps you support that kind of 'ethnic cleansing'?
> >
> >
> <more drivel snipped>