"aem" > wrote in message
> In honor of the great Hunter S. Thompson, I wonder whether you cooks
> sometimes create something unique by casting aside your rules and
> inhibitions just for the sake of the adventure?
> I seldom stray far from the tried and true, but now and then you just
> have to say wotthehell, archy. Most such forays turn out to be not
> worth repeating, but one dish has been repeated numerous times. We'd
> been drinking margaritas when I started to cook. I browned some
> seasoned (s&p) chicken pieces, then tossed in some tequila and flamed
> it (whee!) and deglazed the pan. Added onion and garlic, then saw the
> limes on the counter. Squeezed the juice from a couple of those over
> the chicken. On a roll now, I splashed in some Triple Sec, covered and
> simmered till done. So, Margarita Chicken. Later, of course, I
> discovered that this was not a new dish--but it was new to me at the
> time, and it was good.
> -aem
Original to me at the time was taking the TJ'S frozen berry medley (no
strawberries) and soaking them in cream sherry and ultimately spooning them
over lemon sorbet.
It made a great presentation in a red wine glass with a mint sprig.