In article >,
Bob Pastorio > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> > The main thing I don't like about plastic boards is that they are
> > slippery!!! I can't cut things as fine on them, and mincing or chopping
> > is a pain. :-P
> Put a damp cloth or even a wet paper towel under it. No slipping. The
> working surfaces of plastic boards get a nice "tooth" to them that
> prevent foods from slipping. I sanitize with a two-part wash of
> peroxide and white vinegar. Kills everything.
Ok. :-)
> > Oh, I've also read somewhere that there are substances in the wood that
> > act as natural bacteria killers, so contamination of food is more common
> > with plastic boards. I don't know if this is true or not.......
> The bacteriostatic thing is a subject still being argued in the halls
> of food science programs everywhere. Jury's still out on it.
> Contamination and cross-contamination is controllable so it says more
> about the user than the material.
> Pastorio
Cleanliness is next to godliness, or so the saying goes. <G>
I just use hot soapy dishwater with a dash of bleach mixed in.
Keeps all my dishes (and cutting boards) disinfected.
Honestly, are there really any advantages of using plastic vs. wood
boards? I only have so much storage space, and the large oak board
usually just stays out on the counter since our primary diet consists of
fresh foods rather than canned or frozen.
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby >,,< id=katra