In article >,
sf > wrote:
> On Sat, 03 Jan 2004 17:44:54 -0600, Katra
> > wrote:
> > I wonder about exotic hardwoods sometimes. I had a close freind that was
> > a knife maker so did a lot of wood working. He gave me a list of "toxic"
> > woods. This is why it is wise to wear a dust mask when doing any
> > woodworking that raises a lot of wood dust.
> >
> > If the wood is toxic to breath..... well, I guess worrying about cutting
> > on it might be going a bit over the top? <G>
> >
> I'm not aware of wood being toxic, but fine dust can clog
> your sinuses if you aren't careful. That's a good enough
> reason to wear a mask, IMO.
Eggshell dust is also dangerous. We've talked about this on the egg art
list when discussing eggshell carving. That stuff can leave small
calcium deposits in the lungs.
> It's not fun to have your face split open (under anesthesia
> of course) and your eyeballs taken out of their sockets so
> that the sinuses behind them can be cleared of debris. I
> know someone who went through it twice before he got the
> message.
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments
Uh, that sounds kinda extreme! :-P
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby >,,< id=katra