Thread: ping sf
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Default ping sf

Okay, the recent discussion of Ma Po Tofu has given me a hankering for it. I
also want to make some "Ma La" oil (from the China Moon cookbook). Both
those require Szechuan peppercorns, and you mentioned recently that they
could be found in any Chinese spice shop in San Francisco. Problem is, I
have an amazing ability to get lost every time I go to San Francisco, and on
the occasions when I *did* make it to Chinatown, I didn't see any spice
shops. Could you please take pity on me and recommend a shop which carries
Szechuan peppercorns, then tell me its address or specific location? (Come
to think of it, I'd also appreciate it if you could tell me where the fabled
farmer's market is in Chinatown.)
