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> We always BBQ in the winter. Up until recently we BBQed with the top
> down for everything. Then I saw a TV show and they cooked without a
> top, probably for the camera view and if the top is down, you're sort
> of roasting.
> Now that we are cooking on an open grill, it takes forever to cook
> through. The is running at optimum, since I cleaned out the burners
> and the valves. A top round london broil takes about 45 minutes for
> medium rare. I assume that's because of the cold air temperature
> outside. What's your experience with cooking times?

I grill on my Weber gas grill often, all year... this past January the
temps plunged to -20dF... that's *minus* 20, and I still grilled a
couple of times each week. For cold weather grilling thicker cuts like
london broil are preferred... the thicker the cut the slower it should
be cooked. For london broil I crank her up and sear over direct heat
with the lid down, about 3 minutes per side, then lower to medium and
finish grill over indirect heat with lid down, 10-15 minutes per
side... this with a two inch thick london broil. Thicker cuts during
frigid weather permit me to duck back indoors between flipping. Save
grilling the items that cook quickly and/or need constant attention for
warmer weather. I grill everything with the lid down, otherwise what's
the point of a lidded grill.