Stavo dormendo su un bancale di lambro quando il post di Bob mi desto'
> It just so happens I had this exact combination as part of a cheese
> course a few weeks ago. My companion nearly swooned with ecstasy
> tasting it.
Glad to hear it
> I bought two bottles of high-end balsamico recently, and now I'm
> waiting for the local strawberries to start appearing...
Well, why wait for the darn berries? Just do some chicken scallops
with balsamico, or let it run on a fat, oven cooked pig fore-leg
("stinco al forno", over here), or... best of all as far as I know,
just after balsamico and parmigiano, try "cipolline in agrodolce
all'aceto balsamico" [i checked my spelling this time], it's
wonderful: I dont' know how agrodolce is said in english, but I think
many of you know it, I'll translate it in bitterwseet, correct me. So
it's: "bitterwseet lil' onions with balsamic vinegar", very good
side-dish with many of our traditional second courses: roasts, mix of
boiled cuts, cotechino & zampone, and many dishes you prepare in a
oven. Expecially fat ones, since the acidity of the cipolline is good
to help clean your mouth from the fat pork.
Think pink, drink rose'