Vilco wrote:
> Stavo dormendo su un bancale di lambro quando il post di Sheldon mi
> desto'
Enlish here you unbathed ****.
> > I treat myself to a bottle or two each year, costing $50-$100... I
> buy
> > mine from
> I had a look, the price are impressive.
> This one is an Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale (ABT) di Reggio Emilia,
> labeled "aragosta", which is the lowest rating for an ABT.
> If this price in in line with the market in US, I understand why
> someone told me that parmigiano reggiano 24 month old is 50 US$ in
Import tarrifs, filthy smarmy asshole... so the italian peasants can
exist Americans subsidize them. Just try to buy USDA Prime beef in
italy... not even the blue blood snnots there can eat beef, what little
there is is maggot laden, is why they mostly eat pork and rabbit, when
they splurge from eating filthy fish from your very polluted waters.