On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 17:34:38 -0500, "Nancy Young"
> wrote:
>"Karen AKA Kajikit" > wrote in message
.. .
>>I used to make my own pizza all the time in Australia, using tomato
>> paste out of a jar,
>What do you call tomato paste back in Australia, meaning ... is it
>the same thing? I would not think of putting that on a pizza.
>> chopped up bacon, ham etc,
>Salt. Salt.
>> and topped with grated
>> mozzarella cheese. I made exactly the same thing in America and it
>> came out inedible because it was so incredibly salty (and I didn't add
>> any!) Is there something special I need to buy or use? Does anyone
>> have a failproof recipe?
>At the very least you need to make or buy pizza sauce. Not paste.
>That's concentrated and you don't use much of it in relation to the
>other ingredients.
Recipe please? The tomato paste I always bought was very thick and
concentrated but they didn't add any salt or anything to it - it was
just thick concentrated tomato puree... it makes great pizzas!
Does American mozarella have extra salt added to it? Is there a
special kind of 'pizza cheese' to use instead?
~Karen aka Kajikit
Lover of fine chocolate, fun crafts, and furry felines
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