There's a farmer's Market at Civic Center in SF on Wednesday's that
many Asian folk go to (some on the bus). When I was a regular there 10
years ago, they had many Asian stalls with cool veggies, herbs and
fruits normally found in Chinatown. Is that the farmer's market you're
thinking of?
You should also check out Old Oakland's farmer's market, Fridays on
Washington and 9th Streets, mid-day (or does it open at 9? I don't
know). It's right next to Oakland's Chinatown and features the same
sort of vendors s the SF market, with all those interesting
ingredients. Good prices too. Note that both markets also have many,
many "regular" vendors, flowers, plants, chatchkes, etc. Last time I
was there I bought yellow dates (forget the name) that are a favorite
among the Chinese, I was told. I still like Medjool better but that's
Also Oakland farmer's market has a tamale stand and a rotisserie
chicken wagon. Also plastic tables for you to eat said goodies right on
the sidewalk.