The Cook wrote:
> Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote:
>>I used to make my own pizza all the time in Australia, using tomato
>>paste out of a jar, chopped up bacon, ham etc, and topped with grated
>>mozzarella cheese. I made exactly the same thing in America and it
>>came out inedible because it was so incredibly salty (and I didn't add
>>any!) Is there something special I need to buy or use? Does anyone
>>have a failproof recipe?
>>~Karen aka Kajikit
>>Lover of fine chocolate, fun crafts, and furry felines
>>*remove 'nospam' to reply
> You probably should start reading the ingredients list on the products
> to make sure that they are what you expect. Buy 1, taste it. If you
> do not like it, toss it and look for something else. Better to toss 1
> can of something than to ruin a dish. BTW, Hunt makes a line of "no
> salt added" tomato products. Look for them.
Very good advice! I use a home canned pizza sauce (Bernardin recipe).
I eliminated the salt because we are watching our sodium intake. BTW,
if you home can, you can control the sodium by either reducing it or
eliminating it entirely depending on your tastes. Commercial tomato
paste contains about 30 g of sodium for 5.5 oz can. That is the small
can. That is a fair amount of sodium if a whole can of paste was used.
Sodium reduced mozzarella cheese is available as is low sodium ham and
bacon. At least it is available here. So the same pizza made with
sodium reduced products would taste less salty and be better for you.