biig > wrote:
> This is a shrimp ring that has been frozen the entire time. It had a
>cardboard sleeve, but I threw it out weeks don't have any
>expiration date....Sharon
>Dwayne wrote:
>> I cant tell you for sure, but I was told that fresh meat must be sold by the
>> use date, other wise it is thrown away. Frozen meat (shrimp) also has a use
>> by: date, but it is legally ignored for a period of time before throwing
>> them away. Check the sell by date on your pack, and
>> Dwayne
>> "biig" > wrote in message ...
>> >
>> > Can anyone tell me how long a shrimp ring will keep in a deep freeze?
>> > I bought it between Christmas and New Years and would like to use it
>> > this weekend. Thanks......Sharon
Thaw it and see if it smells OK. If so, taste one. Tastes funny,
toss it. If it has been in the freezer the whole time and not
defrosted it should be fine.
Susan N.
"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral, 48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)