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In article . com>,

> I've found that some of the better pizza sauce tends to have a
> tangy, smoky taste. Does anybody have any idea what ingredients
> produce this flavor?
> Most of the pizza sauce recipes I've seen are nothing more
> than a thickened, glorified spaghetti sauce (i.e. tomato sauce/
> paste, basil, oregano) and are too weak and "fruity". I know
> there's other ingredients involved here.

Carmelization of the veggie ingredients prior to adding the tomatoes...

I'd start with finely chopped onion, grated or pressed garlic, fresh
basil, fresh orgegano, fresh thyme and fresh ground black pepper and a
little salt. Mince the fresh herbs and add to the onions in the skillet
with some EVOO and sautee' until the onions begin to brown.

Add fresh chopped roma tomatoes. Blanch and peel prior to chopping and
adding to the pan. Cook those down to reduce the liquid, then add some
canned tomatoe paste, not sauce! needs to be thick. Cook together for a
bit to get all flavors to mingle and reduce any remaining liquid until
it is nice and thick.

Then add 1 teaspoon of sugar.

That ought to do it? :-d

If you don't want to use canned tomato paste, take additional roma
tomatoes, blanch and peel and run them thru the food processer. Drain
off most of the liquid thru a china cap to make your own tomato paste.
Set aside the drained liquid for other recipes, or just drink it
straight. It's yummy with a dash of salt and vodka!


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

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>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra