Secret to pizza sauce?
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In article >,
(Dan Abel) wrote:
> In article . com>,
> > Most of the pizza sauce recipes I've seen are nothing more
> > than a thickened, glorified spaghetti sauce (i.e. tomato sauce/
> > paste, basil, oregano) and are too weak and "fruity". I know
> > there's other ingredients involved here.
> I've always figured that your basic spaghetti sauce and your basic pizza
> sauce, here in the US, were the same. I like a little ground fennel in
> both.
> One of the best pizzas I've ever had used no sauce at all, just a thin
> layer of fresh roma tomatoes.
Now yer talkin'. ;-D
John Romano published a recipe for "fresh pizza" in one of the Body
building magazines once! It did not use a "cooked" sauce. I've done it a
few times now and it's divine!
Fresh chopped roma tomatoes spread out over the crust with a bunch of
all fresh, not dried, herbs minced fine, fine minced or grated garlic,
and some fresh ground black pepper with a dash of salt. Arrange any
other toppings over that, (sliced ham bits, sliced olives, mushrooms,
pineapple chunks, pre-cooked sausage bits etc.) then top with a mix of
shredded mozarella, romano and fresh grated parmesan cheese. Bake in the
oven until the cheese melts and begins to bubble and brown.
Use a pre-baked crust for this.
It's WONderful!!!
I do mean cracker pizza's using a similar method. ;-)
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
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