Does any one know how many cups to an ounce?
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Doug Freyburger
Posts: n/a
> Does anyone know how it happened that "ounces" refers to either
weight or
> volume, depending on usage? Is there some nexis between the two? All
> can imagine is that one fluid ounce of water at STP weighs one ounce.
> that it?
That's it. Works for water with those two meanings of ounce.
An ounce of gold, that's a Troy ounce so an ounce of gold
does *not* weigh the same as an ounce of water. What a mess.
Generally if it says ounce to me it's volume. American
cooking goes by volume most of the time so unless I am
positive its weight I expect it to be volume. No way
would I ever weight something in ounces unless it was
hard. Even the slightest ability to flow and it gets
measured by volume for me.
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