elaine wrote:
> As per instructions, I made a dry spicy rub which I coated the blade
> with and let sit in the fridge overnight. Seared the roast for a
couple of
> minutes on each side, then removed from heat. Fried up some onions
> celery, added a little bit of red wine, brown sugar and garlic. Put
them in
> a roasting pan below the roast. Cooking at 300 degrees, this was
> to be ready in 3 hours.
> It's now been 4 hours - the roast is tough, tough, tough. Now if I
kept it
> in for another 3 hours or even perhaps turn the oven off and leave
> will it become more tender?
> Elaine (whose supper plans are now meat pies).
Blade roast is chuck roast. Chuck is not a tender cut, it's best
braised... prepared as a dry oven roast will result in petrified beef.
Toss your almost ruined roast into a heavy covered pot with a can of
beer with an onion, a carrot, a few garlic cloves and a few pared spuds
quartered and braise for about 1-1/2 hours... on the stove top is
fine... may not be great but it's saved.