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limey wrote:
> I used a recipe from Food TV to bake salmon. This called for
> topping the salmon with chopped shallots, diced tomatoes, 1 teaspoon
> oregano and 1 teaspoon thyme, then putting the sealed packets in the
> oven for 25 minutes at 350. [snip] I need to find a tastier
> topping (or sauce). Does anyone have a favorite? TIA

>From your reference to 'sealed packets' I take it that you wrapped it

in foil or parchment paper. That works, but it's not really baked
salmon -- it's steamed. The simplest topping we like is nothing more
than a mixture of soy sauce and honey. This is good for grilling, our
preferred way, but also for baking in a dish, uncovered. Quantities
and proportions entirely up to you, as is whether to use a flavored
