Thread: 2 Questions
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TJ wrote:
> Question :
> 1) What are seeded tomatoes?

Tomatoes with the seeds removed. Easiest is to slice them in half
horizontally, squeeze and shake them over your sink or garbage bowl.

> 2) The recipe kept talking about a medium skillet and a heavy large
> skillet. I have Cuisinart stainless steel fry pans...4 inches and 2
> inches deep respectively (both about 12" in

> also have Le Creuset cast iron fry pans...... 12 and 8 inches in
> diametres.....and both about one inch deep. So what is a skillett?
> opposed to ?...Are both my Cuisinart and
> Le Creuset stuff basically skillets?

I would call your 2" deep Cuisinart ss pan a medium skillet. So is the
4" deep one, but they probably want to call it a saut=E9 pan instead.
Or a "cook's pan". The LeCreuset pans are also skillets and definitely
qualify as heavy.

> the terminology in recipe
> writing culture that loose.....?

Yeah, I think so. Some manufacturers try to standardize terms but I
don't think any has succeeded that well. There's a long history of
writing in many languages to deal with, among other things.
