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"Bubbabob" > wrote in message
. 3.30...
> (Shawn) wrote:
> > Tim Zimmerman" > wrote in message
> > m... wrote:
> >
> >>As strange as it may sound, dark toasted
> >>sweet rice is part of the diet for
> >>some Asians. I've eaten rice like this for
> >>many years and haven't seen any side
> >>effects yet. A recently study shows that
> >>eating overheated or burned
> >>carbohydrates may cause cancer.
> >>Sometimes people forget how to correctly
> >>toast rice and blackens it. The blacken
> >>rice is then added to Thai soups and beef
> >>dishes for taste. Will darken rice cause
> >>cancers when mixed into our recipes?

> >
> > It's been thought to be true for years that blackened food is a
> > carcinogen. Burnt popcorn, toast, rice, and <gasp> BBQ (among many
> > other things) is considered to be something most people should either
> > refrain from consuming, or severely limit in the regular diet.
> >
> > But who can resist? Burned food is a delicacy. ;-)
> >
> >

> Real BBQ doesn't reach the temperatures necessary for any significant PAH
> production. It's properly done at about 225F. Grilled food, which
> ignorant people often call BBQ, is another matter.

I would have to disgree. There are plenty of papers suggesting PAHs are
formed from BBQd food.
And at 225 you wouldn't even get browning of your meat, it needs at least
another 100F, ie 325F, so something wrong there!
And what is BBQ food if it isn't grilled????