Thread: Complete Newbie
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Rude Bastard
Posts: n/a

Jacks site should get you started just fine, it did for me(use the
glossary). I'm surely a barely educated newb when it comes to
winemaking, but I have made several decent wines and learn something
new everytime. Don't try to understand everything up front. Just start
with the basics, it kinda all starts to make sense once you've done
it.Try one of the easy fruit wine recipes there. Once you do a batch
or two you'll learn a lot of the things you feel you're missing
through experience, the best way.

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 05:45:05 GMT, "Richard Knouse"
> wrote:

>Please bear with me if this subject is already addressed....I haven't seen
>yet in the last week or so of scouring this newsgroup, but could somebody
>tell me even more basically what is involved with starting to make wine. I
>mean as simple as what the first steps are, what the terms mean, etc. Most
>of what I'm reading here I don't understand...racking, airlock, 2nd rack,
>3rd rack, etc. I have visited Jack Keller's site and found it very helpful
>but am having trouble matching up his information with actual steps in the
>process especially the steps I'm seeing discussed here. Could someone
>provide me with an overview or outline.
>Thanks in advance,