"Wazza" > wrote in
> "Bubbabob" > wrote in message
> . 3.30...
>> (Shawn) wrote:
>> > Tim Zimmerman" > wrote in message
>> > m... wrote:
>> >
>> >>As strange as it may sound, dark toasted
>> >>sweet rice is part of the diet for
>> >>some Asians. I've eaten rice like this for
>> >>many years and haven't seen any side
>> >>effects yet. A recently study shows that
>> >>eating overheated or burned
>> >>carbohydrates may cause cancer.
>> >>Sometimes people forget how to correctly
>> >>toast rice and blackens it. The blacken
>> >>rice is then added to Thai soups and beef
>> >>dishes for taste. Will darken rice cause
>> >>cancers when mixed into our recipes?
>> >
>> > It's been thought to be true for years that blackened food is a
>> > carcinogen. Burnt popcorn, toast, rice, and <gasp> BBQ (among many
>> > other things) is considered to be something most people should
>> > either refrain from consuming, or severely limit in the regular
>> > diet.
>> >
>> > But who can resist? Burned food is a delicacy. ;-)
>> >
>> >
>> Real BBQ doesn't reach the temperatures necessary for any significant
>> PAH production. It's properly done at about 225F. Grilled food, which
>> ignorant people often call BBQ, is another matter.
> I would have to disgree. There are plenty of papers suggesting PAHs
> are formed from BBQd food.
> And at 225 you wouldn't even get browning of your meat, it needs at
> least another 100F, ie 325F, so something wrong there!
> And what is BBQ food if it isn't grilled????
> cheers
> Wazza
Ages ago I heard a scientific claim that Asians had a lower rate of colon
cancer due to rice consumption but they had a higher rate of stomach
That may have been debunked already.
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- Ed Sullivan (1964)