"Marc Wolfe" > wrote in
> According to The Food Lover's Companion it's a bit more complicated
> than that. A British cup is 1.25 US cups, and an imperial ounce is
> .96 US ounces.
> Best,
> Marc
A british imperial pint is 20 british ounces...hence a british imperial
cup is 10 british ounces. After conversion to metric, the british cup was
relegated to 300 ml.
A canadian cup was relegated to 250 ml.
An american Cup is 247 (I believe) ml.
So if you're british for convienence, use a metric measuring cup and if
the recipe is american use a 250 ml cup. (I included the 3 mls, for ease
of measuring).
It's been well over 20 years since britan 'went' metric, so it is time
you 'embraced' the future and got new kitchen measuring equipment.
No Bread Crumbs were hurt in the making of this Meal.
Type 2 Diabetic 1AC 5.6mmol or 101mg/dl
Continuing to be Manitoban