On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 14:30:08 +0000 (UTC),
>In rec.food.cooking, Noises Off > wrote:
>> The best question is "Why do they put the extra leap year
>> day in February? Why not put it in August when the weather
>> would be better?"
>I never thought of it that way. But you raise an excellent point!
>Hell, why not make it a Monday Holiday!?
>If it were all up to me, I'd make ten months, each with 36 days, made up
>of 6 six-day weeks. The extra 5 or 6 days would be the "holiday season"
>centered around the winter solstice, during which time nobody would work.
I have often thought about something like this, too. In my schemes,
the months consist of 4 7-day weeks with weekends as at present. The
main thing is to have each month the same length and an even multiple
of weeks.
I also thought of putting the extra (variable number of) days at the
end of the year or beraking the year up into quarters and putting some
holiday days at the end of each quarter or some such.
Of course, none of this is ever going to happen. If we (Americans)
cannot adopt the metric system or phoneticize the language, it just
proves that we are not rational.
We also run into the reilgious goodballs who believe all manner of
nuttiness about Sunday and other special days.
If I were king and we were starting all over, I'd also divide a day
into 10 (or 100) hours and subdivide with a metric (base 10) system.
Not holding my breath for any of this.
Hitachi HB-A101 bread machine, 1 pound
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