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> wrote in message
> In, Noises Off

> wrote:
> > The best question is "Why do they put the extra leap year
> > day in February? Why not put it in August when the weather
> > would be better?"

> I never thought of it that way. But you raise an excellent point!
> Hell, why not make it a Monday Holiday!?
> If it were all up to me, I'd make ten months, each with 36 days, made up
> of 6 six-day weeks. The extra 5 or 6 days would be the "holiday season"
> centered around the winter solstice, during which time nobody would work.

Wasn't that like the old Julian calendar? Extra days for a sinful holiday,
no extra days in months for catching up.
Heard from some cynic somewhere that when the powers that be fixed the
Julian, they made it more God-like and gave the christian holiday months
their due, and also fixed it properly so the taxes and special assessment
holidays were in the longer months, etc. February, the month of no harvest
and no holidays and thus no tithing payments or taxes, was made short.
And the months with the big christian holidays were made longer
(Christmas was Jan 6 back then, I think? )

heard that somewhere. Third stall down, probably.

Since you could be burned at the stake for using science and reason
instead of faith at the time, it was tjust as likely hat or some other good
political reason -- as ever involving taxes and the public morality.

> --
> In the councils of government, we must guard against the
> acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought,
> by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the
> disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
> -- Dwight David Eisenhower