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On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 08:45:55 -0500, "Bob (this one)"
> wrote:

>Kenneth wrote:
>> On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 16:22:57 -0500, "Bob (this one)"
>> > wrote:
>>>Dry ounces are still volume measure

>> Hi Bob,
>> You offer that as if it were some widely accepted fact, but
>> I think it is far more ambiguous.

>No, really isn't ambiguous at all. It has a very specific meaning.
>"Dry ounces" is a standard of measure. It's what comprises a dry pint
>and that's how berries are sold - those pints and quarts are
>different than fluid measures with the same names. You're confusing
>them with "avoirdupois ounces" which are measures of weight. There's
>no direct interchangeability. The cliché that says a volume ounce of
>water weighs an ounce avoirdupois is wrong. Close but no cigar.
>> If someone told me to add eight ounces of flour to
>> something, I would weigh it (as would many other people.)

><LOL> Right. That would most likely be a cup in the US and a weight
>measure just about everyplace else that uses ounces (not many places
>left). I'd suggest you ask the person for clarification. The final
>recipe will vary significantly if he meant weight and you used volume
>or vice versa. It's just guesswork that way.
>What many other people would or wouldn't do isn't germane to the
>discourse. There are defined standards for volume and weight with
>conventional names. Guessing about them is merely guessing, no matter
>how many people do it.
>> I certainly would not deny that some would pull out a
>> half-cup measure, but I think that is hardly as likely as
>> you seem to believe.

>You know, there are standards for recipe notation. They vary from
>country to country and culture to culture. To see the American
>standard, get a copy of "Recipes Into Type" by Whitman and Simon.
>Few American kitchens have scales because of Fanny Farmer and her
>approach to writing recipes. She published her book just about at the
>right time for the industrial revolution to provide standardized
>measures. Little glass cups with numbers on them are cheap. Scales are
>not. So cups it was and so it remains except in the professional
>Anyone who told you to add 8 ounces of anything customarily referred
>to by volume is merely adding distraction and confusion. If people are
>going to play in the kitchen, it behooves them to learn the local

Hi Bob,

I did misinterpret what you have written...

I was not taking your comment to relate to the phrase "Dry
Measure" but rather understood your comment to relate to how
people measured dry stuff.

Thanks for the clarification,


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