On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 16:12:54 GMT, "William Frazier"
> wrote:
> Richard - Go to www.piwine.com and click on beginners. Get their book.
> It's a great start. Then read Lum's great on-line winemaking
> book at http://home.att.net/~lumeisenman/index.html. You should
> be able to talk and make wine after digesting these sources.
Thank you for providing the
http://www.piwine.com/ URL. I rather
like the list of available juices and grapes, but unless a person
lives in the area the cost of going to the farm and bringing one's
containers seems prohibited to me for small-time wine makers.
Their beginner kit is the least expensive that I have seen on the
'net so far. Damn shame they do not accept PayP@l.
> Bill Frazier
> Olathe, Kansas USA
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