Dee Randall wrote:
> The main thing about freezer bags is that there is no Letter/Number
> indication as to the type of plastics they are. Perhaps the Freezer
> containers you mention have no code on them either; I'll give that a
You're obviously more knowledgeable about plastic varieties than I am,
but in this case you're going to be putting in room temp, non-acidic
liquid, which will then freeze. Presumably you later thaw it or remove
it from the bag and thaw it. I don't see where there's an opportunity
for mischief from the plastic.
> By the way, how do you get the chicken stock in bags to lay (lie?)
> without freezing them straight up and how did they even out without
Gravity does it for you. Lay the bag on the shelf, and the bottom has
to be flat. Unless the bag is so full that it has to become a sphere,
the center part of the top surface has to end up flat, too. I use bags
for Chinese red-cooking (loo) sauce and it works fine.