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Chris Neidecker
Posts: n/a

> Some issues remain, and I hereby solicit opinions:
> 1. Rack of lamb or leg of lamb? There will be six adults eating. Cost
> isn't really a consideration. Last year I made three racks of lamb for
> these same guests, and that worked out well; I'd think one leg of lamb
> ought to suffice.

Well, one I invited? If so, I prefer rack of lamb. But
that's just me, and I have accepted the fact that I'm probably not invited
(sigh). If you're thinking you want to try something different since it's
the same guests....I wouldn't sneeze at having rack of lamb two Easters in a
row! But if you go w/ the leg, I agree that one ought to do it.

> 2. My guests aren't all that big on coffee. What would you want to drink
> with the strawberry tart? (We'll be eating around 3:30 PM.)

I don't know...champagne? Iced tea? Hot tea? I would be happy with ice
water, myself, but something sparkly sounds nice, too.

> 3. The strawberry tart has a layer of cream cheese and whipped cream
> holding the strawberries upright within the crust. Would more whipped
> cream on top be good? Would homemade ice cream be better? Or how about a
> dessert sauce, and if so, WHAT dessert sauce?

Sounds *wonderful*. I could go for some NOW. I love strawberries with sour
cream and brown sugar, but I'm not sure I can picture that with the
tart...If they're good, fresh in-season strawberries, then I'm not sure
you'd need it...would a clear glaze be pretty? Or some whipped cream on the
side, for those who choose? A pretty crystal bowl of whipped cream set in
the middle of the table might be nice. If it's the kind of strawberry tart
with the berries arranged point-side-up and all crowded together, that's too
pretty to cover up, IMO. Present the tart first, then serve and offer
something on the side.

> 4. I'm not all that sure about the Bordeaux with the main course. Any
> suggestions for a different wine?

No idea, but it all sounds wonderful!