Krispy Kreme: Is it me?
On 4 Jan 2004 17:05:26 GMT, wrote:
>Ada Ma > wrote:
>> Arri London wrote:
>>> It's logical though. Right now a lot of visitors to Harrod's are
>>> American tourists. They will buy the KK doughnuts and think it's 'cute'.
>> This is insane... go all the way to London and buy something American?
>> But then I saw Americans queuing for cheap play tickets played by American
>> actors (the guy in Natural born killer and the younger brother in Frasers) in
>> Leicester Square. So it's not so out of normal after all.
>Exactly. I am American and I don't understand this behavior either.
>Why travel so far only to do (or eat) the same stuff you can at home?
>This defies logic.
Oh, Leicester Sq. -- Ian McKellen, Alec Guinness (and Edward Hermann),
Jeremy Brett -- heaven! (Where 2 of them are now). As to familiar
foods, not all want dining 'adventures' abroad. It's no crime to seek
out Burger King after a foul 'pub grub' experience. Particularly if
you travel with children. (I didn't look for McDonald's, but then I
didn't seek out jellied eel, either.)
Stan, not everyone travels for food experiences. Scenery, history,
archeology, adventure, eco-pursuits, and art figure prominently in
travel destinations. Do you go to Hawaii for dinner? Well, some may,
but many want a warm sandy beach in mid-winter. And drinks with little
umbrellas. :-)