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Dana H. Myers
Posts: n/a

Leo Bueno wrote:
> Wondering what your take is on the technique of evaluating a wine by
> the typical one sip and spit method, used of necessity at wine
> tastings.
> I find that one sip can be used to rule out a bad wine, but it's not
> enough to fully appreciate the good ones. In other words, wines that
> are merely good upon sipping at first later get better the more of
> them I drink (i.e., don't spit), while others do not
> So, it looks to me that to fully evaluate a wine, one has to drink it.

Yes. Not necessarily with food, but yes.

> If I am right, then this means that magazine point ratings derived
> from the sip and spit method are even less precise than we normally
> think.

How precise did you normally think magazine ratings were?
