One of the things that I learned from a trip to Mexico recently when I
was there on a Holiday that took us from Monterrey in the North down
to Cuarnavacas was that Mexicans use Limes a lot....big time to
flavour food...and I like the results....very much.....Mexican food is
delicious.....not at all like the distasteful aberrations that
American corporate interests have used to caracterise Mexican foods
for the tastes of anglos.... adaptation or imitation attempt is
to use fresh limes to flavour any tomato sauce dish that is a sauce
for a pasta dish or some kind of seafood gumbo like kind of
thing.......usually adds exactly the kind of edge that I am looking
for is though a sweet edge...for a more ballsy edge to a sauce
I really like to use fresh lemons squeezed into the mix.....
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 16:00:19 -0500, Karen AKA Kajikit
> wrote:
>The only lime recipe I know is key lime pie... it's delicious, but I
>can't make it EVERY week! What else are they good for? I tried putting
>fresh lime juice into a salad dressing but it came out horrid.
>~Karen aka Kajikit
>Lover of fine chocolate, fun crafts, and furry felines
>*remove 'nospam' to reply