Dee Randall wrote:
> >
> Can you refer me to a place I can read about "red cooking." I have a
> lot of chinese cookbooks that I could look it up -- but what would I
> look for in an index, a specific dish, or under red sauce, or just
> how.
I'm not sure how to help, partly because I haven't yet found whichever
box in the basement has most of my cookbooks. In particular, there was
one titled something like "Chinese Casserole Cooking" that was mostly
red-cooked dishes. But just look in the index of your books for
"red-cooked" this or that and you ought to find something. If not,
look for "soy sauce chicken" or "stewed oxtails" or something like
that. The casserole book called one dish "Lemon Chicken", which turned
out just to mean that after simmering in the loo sauce you topped it
off with a lemon and sugar mixture at the end. So look for that, too.
Red-cooking just means to simmer something in a dark liquid. A Chinese
equivalent to stews and braises. Maybe someone else can help....