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limey wrote:
> "Charles Gifford" wrote in message
> >
> > One of the best salmon dishes I've eaten was very fresh (flown in
> > that day) Copper River salmon topped with soy sauce, honey and

> And how I wish we could buy it - on the East Coast, we're pretty well
> confined to farm-raised Atlantic salmon. When Alan Zelt was paying
> $3.95 a pound a year or so ago, to buy Alaskan salmon here at the
> wholesale fish market was prohibitive, when available.

Copper River salmon is very expensive even at the Pike Street market in
Seattle, close to the source. But that farm-raised stuff is bad news.
Even if they claim to have stopped using antibiotics and hormones, the
fish is kept penned where the water is shallow and warmer, resulting in
mushy flesh from lack of enough exercise and less flavor from less fat.
They add coloring to the food near the end of the growing cycle, for
chissakes, to make it look better!
