Vox Humana wrote:
> I can't imagine spending any time with BF that didn't involved a paycheck,
> and even then it would have to be handsome pay with good benefits that
> didn't involve any physical contact! I guess money makes even the most
> arrogant people attractive to some. Look at Rush Limbaugh. His last wife
> wasn't gone more than a few days before he took up with Darin Kagen from
> CNN. Even if you didn't see Rush as an unbearable blow-hard, he is a man
> who is a narcotic addict with a couple of unsuccessful rehabs behind him who
> went deaf from drug abuse and has already been married three or four times.
> I would think that anyone with a bit of common sense and financial means
> would RUN from him.
I'd certainly not kick Bobby outta bed for leaving
crumbs. He's got a certain bad boy sex appeal to
me. I *like* him!
As for Rush, he's not much to look at, but I'm
sure he'd be interesting to talk to. I don't agree
with all he says, I don't find him sexy but.. he's
not some whiney slug. He can hold a conversation,
unlike some others.