Thread: Soymilk
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In article >,
"Nancy Young" > wrote:

> Here's my question. Is soy milk mucus producing, too? And, what
> does it have to offer to compare to milk, nutrition wise? I imagine I
> could look that part up myself. It kinda creeps me out how far away
> the expiration date is, but that's me. A wimp. Any insights from you
> guys about soy milk?

I gave up on cow's milk in my house because I never could get
through even a quart fast enough and always ended up throwing it
down the drain. I've become used to soy milk and find the extended
expiration date an advantage. Now cow's milk shows up in my house
only when company does.

Chocolate soy milk, as other folks have pointed out, is excellent --
you'll never miss cow's milk chocolate milk. But you probably bought
either "original" or "vanilla" flavor soy milk for your cereal.

I found the original or vanilla flavors too sweet for some uses (for
example, I'll cut mashed potatoes with soy milk, but I disliked
using the sweet stuff). Silk sells an aseptic pack (on the grocery
shelf) labeled "Unsweetened" that is perhaps a more-acquired taste,
but far more useful in substituting for cow's milk, IMHO.
