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Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote in

> The only lime recipe I know is key lime pie... it's delicious, but I
> can't make it EVERY week! What else are they good for? I tried putting
> fresh lime juice into a salad dressing but it came out horrid.
> ~Karen aka Kajikit
> Lover of fine chocolate, fun crafts, and furry felines
> *remove 'nospam' to reply

You takes a chicken, a mandolin ('V'-slicer) and a lime. You thinly slice
up 1/2 of the lime and insert the lime slices in various places under
the skin of the chicken, putting the other half of the lime up the bird's
bum. I add a small onion into the cavity as well, or half a large one if
I have one laying about.

Oh, before you start rinse/wash the bird, inside and out and pat dry. And
don't forget to season it with salt and pepper - both inside and out.

Now roast the bird...I like to use the rotissierrie on them instead.

Lime zest and juice goes well with pork meat as well.

Lime juice can really improve the flavour of some Chicken Stock based

Lime juice works well in Salsa too.

No Bread Crumbs were hurt in the making of this Meal.
Type 2 Diabetic 1AC 5.6mmol or 101mg/dl
Continuing to be Manitoban