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In, Toddlers_mom > wrote:
> I am planning to buy some cookware this weekend.
> I want to buy big pans that I can use to make curries, stir fries etc.
> I thought I want calphalon ideally, since the food does not stick and
> need less oil to fry. (ofcourse it is expensive)
> But I see lot of people using thick steel bottom (esp TV cooking)
> any advice on why one is better than other.
> Thanks!

Thick steel bottoms would make no sense at all. Steel is a mediocre
conductor of heat. Likely what you are seeing is a thick aluminum
bottom, plated with steel.

I got a bunch of discontinued Calphalon on Amazon for cheap. Real cheap.
So far, I like it. It is good for many cooking tasks. It is not the
only cookware I use, but for many, many things, it works better than
anything else I have.

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acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought,
by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the
disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
-- Dwight David Eisenhower