Krispy Kreme: Is it me?
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Arri London
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Krispy Kreme: Is it me?
> Ada Ma > wrote:
> > Arri London wrote:
> >> It's logical though. Right now a lot of visitors to Harrod's are
> >> American tourists. They will buy the KK doughnuts and think it's 'cute'.
> > This is insane... go all the way to London and buy something American?
It's common enough. Of course they aren't the only ones to do that. All
the Japanese restaurants in London I've been to cater to *busloads* of
Japanese tourists.
Sometimes there is a limit to how 'foreign' people want their foreign
experience to be
> > But then I saw Americans queuing for cheap play tickets played by American
> > actors (the guy in Natural born killer and the younger brother in Frasers) in
> > Leicester Square. So it's not so out of normal after all.
> Exactly. I am American and I don't understand this behavior either.
> Why travel so far only to do (or eat) the same stuff you can at home?
> This defies logic.
Perhaps to you it isn't logical. However, most of the American fast-food
places in London are heavily frequented by American tourists. Most would
go out of business if that segment stopped visiting.
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