Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>After coming to the realization, mid-post yesterday, that I shouldn't even
>be considering potatoes because of their effect on my blood sugar control
>(or lack thereof), I came up with an ingenious plan for protecting myself
>against those evil, starchy vegetables.
>Brought Crash to the grocery store, took him to the fake potato aisle, and
>asked him to choose what he would like best for Easter dinner. I knew I
>could count on him to select something that I wouldn't touch with a
>ten-foot pole. He grabbed a box of Hungry Jack Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes.
>As it happens, I don't care for Hungry Jack stuff, so I won't even be
>tempted to take a "little bit" of the taters.
That's what I did last weekend when I cooked dinner for my Sister, BIL,
and Dad.
My home-made scalloped potatoes absolutely rock, and if I made them I
would have eaten some for sure. So I went to the grocery store and
bought the most revolting "au gratin" potatoes I could find. Guaranteed
that *I* won't touch them, but everyone else thinks that there is
nothing wrong with packaged stuff.
Makes it easier to keep the carbs out of my mouth when I can do that.
Jo Anne, trying to lose another 5 pounds before holidays.